The Correct Way To Drink Water(By Dr. Willie T. Ong )
Our bodies are made up of mostly water Just look at the facts:
The brain contains 74% water,
blood contains 83% water,
lean muscle has 75% and
bone has 22% water..
Experts agree that water is one of the most powerful forms of treatment. So how come most people don't drink enough water?
10 Health Benefits of Water:
1. Water prevents kidney stones. The most common cause of kidney stones is not drinking enough water. Since water dissolves the substances that form stones in the urine, drinking 12 glasses daily helps treat kidney stones.
2. Water treats urinary tract infection. The more water you drink, the more you will urinate. "Drinking lots of water will help flush out harmful bacteria from your bladder," says Medical City kidney specialist Dr. Roberto Tanchanco
3. Water helps patients with diarrhea by preventing dehydration. As a first-aid for diarrhea, you can make your own oral rehydration solution at home. Mix a glass of water with 2 teaspoons sugar and ¼ teaspoon salt, and drink as much as you can tolerate. This is similar to the dextrose solution in the hospital.
4. Water helps reduce fever. For symptoms of flu, water can help lower your body temperature when you urinate the "heat" out of your body. If you're sick, drink more water for you to recover faster.
5. Water helps treat cough and colds, sore throat, and respiratory infections. Water helps loosen sticky phlegm. A respected lung specialist told me that some mucolytics out there are just as beneficial as drinking lots of water.
6. Water reduces heartburn. Taking 2-3 gulps of water every 20 minutes or so can help flush the stomach acid away. Bananas and water are effective alternatives to taking antacids. Try it.
7. Water prevents constipation and its complications. Too little water can harden the stools and lead to hemorrhoids and diverticulosis, a disease of the large bowel. Drink water and eat lots of vegetables to soften your stools.
8. Water keeps you alert and energetic. If you're dehydrated, your blood is literally thicker. This makes it harder for the blood to circulate. As a result, the brain can become less active and you can feel confused and fatigued. Some studies also show that water may help cure migraine headaches.
9. Water helps reduce weight. By drinking a glass or two of water before a meal, you will lessen the amount of food you can take in order to feel full. Water has zero calories and will not make you fat.
10. Water keeps your skin soft and radiant. Just as a dehydrated person will have deep-set eyes and wrinkled skin, so will a fully hydrated person exhibit a normal and beautiful skin tone.
The Correct Way To Drink Water:
1. Drink water when you wake up.
Your body loses water while you sleep, so drink a glass before you go to sleep, and another glass when you wake up. You are naturally thirsty or dehydrated in the morning. Drinking water in the morning helps flush out the toxins that have accumulated all night.
2. Drink 8 to 12 glasses a day.
According to the Mayo Clinic, a 120-pound individual needs 8 cups of water a day, while a 190-pound person would require 12 cups daily. Dr. Robert Tanchanco says that we should monitor our urine color and keep it on the light side. However, drink only a maximum of 16 glasses a day, and not more.
3. Drink little by little throughout the day. It is preferable to sip water throughout the day rather than to drink two glasses all at once. This will lessen the stress on the heart (especially if you have heart disease) and give your body more time to absorb it.
4. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water. By the time you feel thirsty, you're probably already 2 glasses below your normal water needs. Elderly people are also less sensitive to the body's need for water.
5. Drink water, not soft drinks, alcohol or coffee. Some experts believe that tea, sodas and coffee can be potentially dehydrating. Moreover, the high phosphorus and sugar content in cola drinks can lead to conditions like osteoporosis and diabetes. One study shows that adults who drank six cups of coffee daily experienced mild dehydration. Drinking alcohol is much worse because it actually dehydrates you by making you urinate a lot.
6. Train children to drink water. Set a good example to your kids and drink water together. Make sure that children drink enough water when they're active. Pack a large bottled water in their lunch box.
7. Drink more when it's hot. People living in hot climates like the Philippines need to drink more water. They are more prone to develop kidney stones compared to those living in cooler regions.
8. Drink more as you exercise. When you exercise, you need to drink more water to compensate for fluid loss. Go for an extra 500 ml of water for a 30-minute to 1-hour exercise. Eating a banana also helps keep your potassium up.
9. Drink more when you're sick. Even though you don't feel like it, you really need to drink more water to help your body recover from various infections. If you're dehydrated, you'll feel much worse.
10. Drink more if you're pregnant. Women who are expecting or breast-feeding need additional fluids to stay hydrated. The Institute of Medicine recommends that pregnant women drink 10 cups of fluids daily and women who breast-feed take in about 13 cups of fluids a day.
Blog ini khusus utk anak-anak - Taufiq,Dayah,Dalis, Firman,Zuri,Tisya & Sufi.Juga buat Omak - Hjh Naharowiah bt Tajuddin,adik beradik-Kakak,Nyah,Ati,Kayom,Emin,Lila,Kejun & Erman. Ingatan yang tak pernah padam pd 2 org yg pernah berkongsi kasih sayang, suka duka..Abah, Harun b Yahaya (meninggal 2/11/1994) dan Udin (meninggal 2/3/2007).Al-Fatihah. Kpd semua-T/kasih kerana memberi kasih-sayang & waktu.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Correct Timing To Take a Plain Water
Correct timing to take water, will maximize its effectiveness to Human body. Two (02) glass of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organs One (01) glasses of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestion One (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure One (01) glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack |
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Bintang, Matahari & Pelangi...
"Each one of us is a star. Sometimes we shine together. Sometimes we twinkle alone. Sometimes, when we least aware, we have made someone's wish comes true"!
Mudah-mudahan kehadiran aku pernah membuat orang lain rasa gembira..pernah membuat orang lain tersenyum, pernah membuat orang lain ketawa! Barangkali juga, aku pernah membuat orang lain menangis kerana kecewa dgn sikap aku. Tapi percayalah, mungkin itu perkara terakhir yg aku fikirkan atau mungkin tak terlintas langsung atau keadaan pada ketika itu menjadikan aku seorang yg gagal..gagal mengerti perasaan orang lain!
Alangkah indahnya malam, jika di langit bertaburan berjuta bintang yg bercahaya memagari sang bulan yg terang. Dalam berjuta bintang itu ada sebutir bintang berkerdipan lantas menghiasi kegelapan malam untuk siapa saja yg merenung ke langit. Dan sebutir bintang yg mempersonakan itu adalah AKU!!! Hehehehe!
Aku mahu menjadi mimpi indah yg menghiasi tidur kalian. Seperti seorang Sang Puteri dari kayangan...hadir disisi kalian, melemparkan senyuman yg paling manis dan memikat setiap mata yg memandang!
Aku mahu menjadi penawar utk setiap kedukaan kalian...membuat kalian lebih mengerti bahawa meskipun hidup ini penuh onak, ranjau & duri, namun dicelah-celah itu ada bunga-bungaan yg berwarna-warni, harum, indah & berseri. Jika dipetik & diletakkan di dada, dekat dgn sekeping hati yg ikhlas, nescaya hidup ini akan menjadi lebih sempurna.
Di malam hari, akulah sebutir bintang yg paling indah mempesonakan. Di siang hari, akulah mentari yg terbit di ufuk timur...perlahan-lahan naik ke langit lalu memancarkan sinarnya. Menghidupkan flora & fauna. Merimbunkan dedaunan. Menambah kehijauan alam. Menyimbah cahaya. Menjadikan air laut yg kebiruan itu berkilauan...menghasilkan panorama yg cukup hebat. Memikat mata, merangsang jiwa!
Selepas hujan turun membasahi bumi, aku mahu jadi pelangi. Yg menyebarkan 7 barisan warna yg menjadi lingkaran cantik di langit. Sungguh mengkagumkan setiap mata yg memandang.
Ya Allah, jadikanlah aku bintang, jadikan aku mentari & jadikanlah aku pelangi utk anak-anakku. Jadikanlah AKU seorang IBU yang dapat menjalankan amanahMu!! Peliharalah aku di bawah lindunganMu agar aku dapat melindungi anak-anak. Sesungguhnya aku tak kisah kalau aku tak dapat menjadikan impian orang lain satu kenyataan, tapi jadikanlah aku seorang insan, seorang ibu yg dapat menyempurnakan impian anak-anakku. Aku mohon restuMu ya Allah!
Jadikan anak-anakku, hambaMu yg sentiasa mensyukuri niqmatMu. Jadikan mereka bintang, jadikan mereka mentari, jadikan mereka pelangi, jadikan mereka apa saja untuk membahagiakan orang lain. Utk semua kejadian itu, permudahkanlah kehidupan anak-anakku di dunia & di akhirat.
Alangkah indahnya malam, jika di langit bertaburan berjuta bintang yg bercahaya memagari sang bulan yg terang. Dalam berjuta bintang itu ada sebutir bintang berkerdipan lantas menghiasi kegelapan malam untuk siapa saja yg merenung ke langit. Dan sebutir bintang yg mempersonakan itu adalah AKU!!! Hehehehe!
Aku mahu menjadi mimpi indah yg menghiasi tidur kalian. Seperti seorang Sang Puteri dari kayangan...hadir disisi kalian, melemparkan senyuman yg paling manis dan memikat setiap mata yg memandang!
Aku mahu menjadi penawar utk setiap kedukaan kalian...membuat kalian lebih mengerti bahawa meskipun hidup ini penuh onak, ranjau & duri, namun dicelah-celah itu ada bunga-bungaan yg berwarna-warni, harum, indah & berseri. Jika dipetik & diletakkan di dada, dekat dgn sekeping hati yg ikhlas, nescaya hidup ini akan menjadi lebih sempurna.
Di malam hari, akulah sebutir bintang yg paling indah mempesonakan. Di siang hari, akulah mentari yg terbit di ufuk timur...perlahan-lahan naik ke langit lalu memancarkan sinarnya. Menghidupkan flora & fauna. Merimbunkan dedaunan. Menambah kehijauan alam. Menyimbah cahaya. Menjadikan air laut yg kebiruan itu berkilauan...menghasilkan panorama yg cukup hebat. Memikat mata, merangsang jiwa!
Selepas hujan turun membasahi bumi, aku mahu jadi pelangi. Yg menyebarkan 7 barisan warna yg menjadi lingkaran cantik di langit. Sungguh mengkagumkan setiap mata yg memandang.
Ya Allah, jadikanlah aku bintang, jadikan aku mentari & jadikanlah aku pelangi utk anak-anakku. Jadikanlah AKU seorang IBU yang dapat menjalankan amanahMu!! Peliharalah aku di bawah lindunganMu agar aku dapat melindungi anak-anak. Sesungguhnya aku tak kisah kalau aku tak dapat menjadikan impian orang lain satu kenyataan, tapi jadikanlah aku seorang insan, seorang ibu yg dapat menyempurnakan impian anak-anakku. Aku mohon restuMu ya Allah!
Jadikan anak-anakku, hambaMu yg sentiasa mensyukuri niqmatMu. Jadikan mereka bintang, jadikan mereka mentari, jadikan mereka pelangi, jadikan mereka apa saja untuk membahagiakan orang lain. Utk semua kejadian itu, permudahkanlah kehidupan anak-anakku di dunia & di akhirat.
Friday, November 20, 2009
KIT.....with MESians!!
Life is always a wonderful time....when you least expect, you received a call/sms from a long lost friend out of no where! Isn't it nice? So much to catch up with! So many things had happened over the years. So much to share and so much to much to laugh! Fuhhh!!! Let me try to list down all my Form 5 classmates:
Haijah, Zainon, Azizah, Zainab, Rosliza, Norlela, Maisarah, Mariam, Rosemary, Irene, Poh Choo, Poh Yeng, Fook Chuan, See Chiat, Jit Keong, Azmi, Chin Peng, Gadek, Salleh, Suresh, Paramaguru, Rajendran, Rajasegar, Periyanayaki, Mageswari, Magaswari, Norhayati, Shahbudin, Salim, Arul Rajoo, Ravi, Wong, Norhaniza, Haniza.......those are all I can remember!!
Dear all friends, our friendship is forever. If I can recall, we started to know each other and became classmates when we were Std 3. Remember???? We were classmates till Form 5!!! That is unbelieveable! We went for tuition together...we studied together, we danced together, we sang together, we enjoy together...kene marah pun together!!! hahahahahah!!!
I really looking forward to our very first reunion after 24 years!!! Great. Can't wait for that to happen. Take care & have a wonderful time. Live life to the fullest. Be happy always.
Haijah, Zainon, Azizah, Zainab, Rosliza, Norlela, Maisarah, Mariam, Rosemary, Irene, Poh Choo, Poh Yeng, Fook Chuan, See Chiat, Jit Keong, Azmi, Chin Peng, Gadek, Salleh, Suresh, Paramaguru, Rajendran, Rajasegar, Periyanayaki, Mageswari, Magaswari, Norhayati, Shahbudin, Salim, Arul Rajoo, Ravi, Wong, Norhaniza, Haniza.......those are all I can remember!!
Dear all friends, our friendship is forever. If I can recall, we started to know each other and became classmates when we were Std 3. Remember???? We were classmates till Form 5!!! That is unbelieveable! We went for tuition together...we studied together, we danced together, we sang together, we enjoy together...kene marah pun together!!! hahahahahah!!!
I really looking forward to our very first reunion after 24 years!!! Great. Can't wait for that to happen. Take care & have a wonderful time. Live life to the fullest. Be happy always.
19 Nov 2009
Aku di SK Lembah Beringin bersama anak-anak Dalis, Firman, Zuri, Tisya & Sufi. Tisya graduated from pre-school. Dalis dapat result UPSR - 3A 2B. Syukur Alhamdulillah... Try harder for PMR, lagi-lagi SPM. Tapi yg penting bg ibu, anak-anak ibu berjaya menghadapi setiap ujian hidup. Sentiasa tabah & kuat untuk berjuang. Belajar dari kesilapan, bina jatidiri & banyakkan memohon hidayah dari Allah supaya setiap keputusan yg kita ambil tidak akan tersasar dari landasan agama.
Taking a day off today....sebab cuaca mendung & hujan, semua anak-anak tertidur. Sambil masak lunch, aku sedar sunyinya rumah..... Tapi bila semua bangun nak makan, riuh rendah balik dgn suara anak-anak, lebih riuh lagi ..... suara aku! hehehe! Dapat tido sekejap melepaskan penat, merehatkan minda...jam 5.15pm dapat call dari Taufiq suruh ambik dia kat Kerling. Paper habis kul 4.30pm. Dayah temankan aku gi ambik Taufiq.
20 Nov 2009
Hari ini hanya Dalis & Tisya je yg pergi sekolah. Yg lain ada kat rumah. Semua anak-anak ada kat keliling aku...a time like this will always be the sweet moment!
Aku di SK Lembah Beringin bersama anak-anak Dalis, Firman, Zuri, Tisya & Sufi. Tisya graduated from pre-school. Dalis dapat result UPSR - 3A 2B. Syukur Alhamdulillah... Try harder for PMR, lagi-lagi SPM. Tapi yg penting bg ibu, anak-anak ibu berjaya menghadapi setiap ujian hidup. Sentiasa tabah & kuat untuk berjuang. Belajar dari kesilapan, bina jatidiri & banyakkan memohon hidayah dari Allah supaya setiap keputusan yg kita ambil tidak akan tersasar dari landasan agama.
Taking a day off today....sebab cuaca mendung & hujan, semua anak-anak tertidur. Sambil masak lunch, aku sedar sunyinya rumah..... Tapi bila semua bangun nak makan, riuh rendah balik dgn suara anak-anak, lebih riuh lagi ..... suara aku! hehehe! Dapat tido sekejap melepaskan penat, merehatkan minda...jam 5.15pm dapat call dari Taufiq suruh ambik dia kat Kerling. Paper habis kul 4.30pm. Dayah temankan aku gi ambik Taufiq.
20 Nov 2009
Hari ini hanya Dalis & Tisya je yg pergi sekolah. Yg lain ada kat rumah. Semua anak-anak ada kat keliling aku...a time like this will always be the sweet moment!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Happy dazzling princess HIDAYAH
4th Nov..2009,
Time flies so fast. Rasanya Hidayah masih lagi dalam perut yg aku carry from Kelsall Place ke Beckett's Park, dari Kelsall Place ke Hyde Park, ke Headingley ke Beckett's Park.. Ingat lagi waktu Hidayah 4 bulan dalam kandungan aku masih lagi panjat dahan pokok kat Beckett's Park ambik gambar dgn kawan2. It was so lucky that nothing happened. Every month aku buat check-up kat Leeds Infirmary, Clarendon Wing, Leeds sampailah balik Malaysia for good 31st July 1993. dazzling princess is already 16 years old. Ibu harap setiap impian Dayah akan menjadi kenyataan. Cepat atau lambat bukan persoalan. Semoga Dayah dipanjangkan umur dalam keberkatan, dikurniakan niqmat iman & kesihatan sepanjang hayat. Dilapangkan pintu-pintu rezki. Sentiasa ingat bahawa manusia diciptakan utk beribadat kpd Allah swt.. Jadilah anak yg solehah.
Ibu doakan Dayah tabah menghadapi dugaan hidup. Sentiasa kuat semangat untuk belajar & berjaya dalam hidup. Dayah selalu kata nak dapatkan Degree pastu kawin dulu baru sambung Master & PHd. Do it. Work hard for it.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Umrah..d'Moment of Truth (M.O.T)
The Moment of Truth...the feel of being very close to Allah swt & Rasulullah saw. The feel that words cannot describe. Wish, i could be here too.. Anyway, pictures are from kakak's file. The picture flow is not in proper order..That's not important. But most important is :
Let's share this great & wonderful moments together!






Merpati pun takut nk dekat bila Nyah dah draw 'line'... Hanya aku, Lila & Kejun yg tau maksud draw line ni!! heheheheheh!
























Let's share this great & wonderful moments together!
Eanting time...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Never Lose HOPE
(from Poem Book: Do You Still Have Hope
Submitted by Pravs J on Sunday, 30 September 2007)
Do You Still Have Hope??
If you can look at the sunset and smile, then you still have hope…
If you can find beauty in the colors of a small flower, then you still have hope…
If you can find pleasure in the movement of a butterfly, then you still have hope…
If the smile of a child can still warm your heart, then you still have hope…
If you can see the good in other people, then you still have hope…
If the rain breaking on a roof top can still lull you to sleep, then you still have hope…
If the sight of a rainbow still makes you stop and stare in wonder, then you still have hope…
If the soft fur of a favored pet still feels pleasant under your fingertips, then you still have hope…
If you meet new people with a trace of excitement and optimism, then you still have hope…
If you give people the benefit of a doubt, then you still have hope…
If you still offer your hand in friendship to others that have touched your life, then you still have hope…
If receiving an unexpected card or letter still brings a pleasant surprise, then you still have hope…
If the suffering of others still fills you with pain and frustration, then you still have hope…
If you refuse to let a friendship die, or accept that it must end, then you still have hope…
If you look forward to a time or place of quiet and reflection, then you still have hope…
If you still watch love stories or want the endings to be happy, then you still have hope…
If you can look to the past and smile, then you still have hope….
If, when faced with the bad, when told everything is futile, you can still look up and end the conversation with the phrase… yeah….BUT.. Then you still have hope…
Hope is such a marvelous thing. It bends, it twists, it sometimes hides, but rarely does it break… It sustains us when nothing else can… It gives us reason to continue and courage to move ahead, when we tell ourselves we’d rather give in…
Hope puts a smile on our face when the heart cannot manage…
Hope puts our feet on the path when our eyes cannot see it…
Hope moves us to act when our souls are confused of the direction….
Hope is a wonderful thing, something to be cherished and nurtured, and something that will refresh us in return… And it can be found in each of us, and it can bring light into the darkest of places…
Never lose hope…
Submitted by Pravs J on Sunday, 30 September 2007)
Do You Still Have Hope??
If you can look at the sunset and smile, then you still have hope…
If you can find beauty in the colors of a small flower, then you still have hope…
If you can find pleasure in the movement of a butterfly, then you still have hope…
If the smile of a child can still warm your heart, then you still have hope…
If you can see the good in other people, then you still have hope…
If the rain breaking on a roof top can still lull you to sleep, then you still have hope…
If the sight of a rainbow still makes you stop and stare in wonder, then you still have hope…
If the soft fur of a favored pet still feels pleasant under your fingertips, then you still have hope…
If you meet new people with a trace of excitement and optimism, then you still have hope…
If you give people the benefit of a doubt, then you still have hope…
If you still offer your hand in friendship to others that have touched your life, then you still have hope…
If receiving an unexpected card or letter still brings a pleasant surprise, then you still have hope…
If the suffering of others still fills you with pain and frustration, then you still have hope…
If you refuse to let a friendship die, or accept that it must end, then you still have hope…
If you look forward to a time or place of quiet and reflection, then you still have hope…
If you still watch love stories or want the endings to be happy, then you still have hope…
If you can look to the past and smile, then you still have hope….
If, when faced with the bad, when told everything is futile, you can still look up and end the conversation with the phrase… yeah….BUT.. Then you still have hope…
Hope is such a marvelous thing. It bends, it twists, it sometimes hides, but rarely does it break… It sustains us when nothing else can… It gives us reason to continue and courage to move ahead, when we tell ourselves we’d rather give in…
Hope puts a smile on our face when the heart cannot manage…
Hope puts our feet on the path when our eyes cannot see it…
Hope moves us to act when our souls are confused of the direction….
Hope is a wonderful thing, something to be cherished and nurtured, and something that will refresh us in return… And it can be found in each of us, and it can bring light into the darkest of places…
Never lose hope…
Monday, October 12, 2009
Gempa Bumi @Padang...Sept 2009

Berita Kepada Kawan
Perjalanan ini terasa sangat menyedihkan
Sayang, engkau tak duduk di sampingku kawan
Banyak cerita yang mestinya kau saksikan
Di tanah kering berbatuan
Tubuh ku terguncang di hempas batu jalanan
Hati tergetar menampak kering rerumputan
Perjalan ini pun seperti jadi saksi
Gembala kecil menangis sedih
Kawan coba dengar apa jawabnya
Ketika ia ku tanya "Mengapa?"
Bapak ibunya telah lama mati
Ditelan bencana tanah ini
Sesampainya di laut ku khabarkan semuanya
Kepada karang, kepada ombak, kepada matahari
Tetapi semua diam, tetapi semua bisu
Tinggal aku sendiri terpaku menatap langit
Barangkali di sana ada jawabnya
Mengapa di tanahku terjadi bencana
Perjalanan ini terasa sangat menyedihkan
Sayang, engkau tak duduk di sampingku kawan
Banyak cerita yang mestinya kau saksikan
Di tanah kering berbatuan
Tubuh ku terguncang di hempas batu jalanan
Hati tergetar menampak kering rerumputan
Perjalan ini pun seperti jadi saksi
Gembala kecil menangis sedih
Kawan coba dengar apa jawabnya
Ketika ia ku tanya "Mengapa?"
Bapak ibunya telah lama mati
Ditelan bencana tanah ini
Sesampainya di laut ku khabarkan semuanya
Kepada karang, kepada ombak, kepada matahari
Tetapi semua diam, tetapi semua bisu
Tinggal aku sendiri terpaku menatap langit
Barangkali di sana ada jawabnya
Mengapa di tanahku terjadi bencana

Mungkin Tuhan mulai bosan melihat tingkah kita
Yang selalu salah dan bangga dengan dosa-dosa
Atau alam mulai enggan bersahabat dengan kita
Coba kita bertanya pada rumput yang bergoyang
Friday, October 9, 2009
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