Lavendar Ward, Room 708 - KPJ Tawakal, KL
29 Januari, 2011
Dalis masuk ward, diagnosed to have 'twisted ovarian cyst' dibawah jagaan Dr Zarin Zain & rujuk kepada pakar sakit puan, Dr Siti Zaleha. Ujian darah, kencing telahpun dilakukan tetapi masih menanti test results. Ultra sound & CT scan juga telah dijalankan. Hasil imbasan menunjukkan nothing is peculiar as the size of the cyst is about 3cm x 3.5cm x 3.24cm. Menurut Dr Siti, with that kind of size she should not feel any pain, in fact she should not even aware that the cyst is developed in her abdomen. Tapi bila Dalis rasa sakit, they suspect it will be due to other reason which yet to be found out. Kene tunggu results. What make me feel reliefed, when the doctor said 'nothing look peculiar'. Alhamdulillah...
Meanwhile, Firman, Zuri, Tisya & Sufi tinggal TMalim with the arrangement yg mak akan balik TM to accompany them but things did not happened as plan.At the other end, Kakak pula masuk ward di Hospital Universiti, diagnosed to have lung infection which caused phenomia. Therefore, she has breathing difficulties. So, anak2 tinggal dgn Lila. While Lila is at work, they will need to take care of themselves. It breaks my heart bila ingat anak-anak yg kecik2 ni but it is a relief knowing that anak2 aku adalah survivors. InsyaAllah, aku percaya pd perlindungan Allah, dan mudah-mudahan malaikat-malaikat Allah sentiasa bersama anak-anakku....
30 Januari 2011,
Second day @ Tawakal. My childhood friend, Chew Siew Wai came to fetch me for capati at mamak restaurant. So I took Dalis along sebab Dr Siti kata she is free to go out as no more doctor visits. Selesai pekene capati, my friend took me to Rumah Bakti Ulu Klang to fetch my eldest Taufiq from his friend's place. He somehow make it easier for me... I have two kids with me now!
In the afternoon, few members of the family arrived. Mak, Nyah, Kjun, Erman, Ein, Dadar, Abby, Amad, Qilah & Nazrul. Maka, riuh-rendahlah suasana di bilik 708. Lepas Kjun & Erman balik, at night Dayah pula balik with Ice. Omak, Nyah & family still around. Si pesakit keluar lagi makan kat McDonald dgn Dadar, Abby & Taufiq.
At night, Naufal, Aker & Nini pulak sampai. Havoc tak sudah lagi. They stayed until almost 1.00am!! Anyway, aku rasa this is the kind of things that some people would be very uncomfortable but as for me... no problem at all!
Tido time... I see all my three babies are around me - Taufiq, Dayah & Dalis. And I am missing 4 others... Hopefully, if operation is unnecessary, aku boleh balik TM & fetch them all.... Good night anak-anak.... I love you all so much that no word can ever describe the feelings...
31 January 2011
Finally, Dalis is diagnosed to have problems in her intestine that is more like constipation that she did not realize. This had caused intestine cramp. So, it's not really the cyst. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Therefore, operation is unnecessary. Doctor Al-Amin, is the surgeon that is taken care of Dalis. He prescribed Dalis with a medicine that will flush away the patches of stool along the intestine & will do the clean up . Unexpected but thanks to Allah as the doctor managed to find out the real problem.
1 February 2011
Cuti Hari Wilayah. Ana & Nor sampai sebelah pagi. Then, hantar Hidayah ke stesen LRT Titiwangsa. Kemudian balik semula ke wad, Dr Zarin buat lawatan & beritahu yg Dalis will need to undergo MRI. Pada aku buat je la apa2 yang patut agar segala kemungkinan dapat dipertimbangkan demi mengenalpasti punca kesakitan Dalis. Do whatever necessary tests, biar puas hati. Lepas tahu pasal ni, aku terus gi sarapan pagi di Restoran Haslam dgn Ana, Nor, Taufiq & Dalis. Seorang kawan, Azhar Sani datang melawat, siap bawa muffin lagi. Tapi oleh kerana kami tidak ada di Ward, nurse cadangkan dia ke Haslam. Hehehe! Funny...
Jam 3 petang, I made my way to TMalim to fetch the little ones. Then, straight back to Tawakkal. Ramai dah ada - Kayom, Hayyu, Eim, Harun & Ajim. Thanks all for coming.
At night, gi makan dgn anak-anak bersama Ajim & Harun. Ajim belanja!! Adoiii!!
Tidor time - I see 6 of my kids are all around me except Hidayah. Here we are...enjoying our time together in good or pain. Good night kids!
2 February 2011
Dr Zarin visited Dalis & informed that MRI is at 2.00pm. So, let get ready as time now is 1.50pm. Ya Allah, lancarkanlah segala urusan pemeriksaan. Semoga, tidak ada apa-apa yg serius & merbahaya It took 2 hours to run the test.... Visits from old frens Maizura & Suria. Thanks for coming!
3 February 2011
Dr Zarin sahkan tidak ada apa-apa yg serius. Cyst tidak memberi apa-apa tindakbalas kesakitan pd Dalis, syukur alhamdulillah. Semua berakhir dgn selamat. Selainnya berserah & berusaha agar kesihatan dapat dikekalkan. Dalisdischarged dari hospital dgn KEJUTAN!!! Kejutan apa? Biarlah rahsia.....
Yg penting, semua sihat termasuk kakak keluar dari hospital sehari sebelum Dalis!