Blog ini khusus utk anak-anak - Taufiq,Dayah,Dalis, Firman,Zuri,Tisya & Sufi.Juga buat Omak - Hjh Naharowiah bt Tajuddin,adik beradik-Kakak,Nyah,Ati,Kayom,Emin,Lila,Kejun & Erman. Ingatan yang tak pernah padam pd 2 org yg pernah berkongsi kasih sayang, suka duka..Abah, Harun b Yahaya (meninggal 2/11/1994) dan Udin (meninggal 2/3/2007).Al-Fatihah. Kpd semua-T/kasih kerana memberi kasih-sayang & waktu.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Rindu & Waktu.....
Pada ketika sinar mentari memberi bahang menghangatkan tubuhmu....
Pada ketika hujan turun dan tempiasnya menepis pipimu....
Pada ketika sang pelangi menghiasi langit menarik pandanganmu..
Pada ketika malam sang rembulan menerangi kegelapanmu....
Pada ketika kamu tiba-tiba tersenyum tanpa sebab...
Mengertilah...semua itu sebahagian dari rinduku...
Usah ragu..
Meskipun hati kita tidak pernah bersapa & mata kita tidak pernah bertemu.....
Hanya bertamu dalam mimpi....
Pesanan ini terkhusus buatmu:
Demi putaran waktu dan musim yg silih berganti....segala kejadian alam ini hanya berlaku dgn kehendak & kekuasaan Allah s.w.t. Rinduku jua milikNya.....
Panjatkan doa ini kepadaNya yg telah menciptakan kau dan aku...
"Ya Allah...setiap nafas yg ku hela, setiap degup jantung, setiap denyut nadi...kekalkanlah aku utk terus mengingatiMu..MenyintaiMu...Menyerah diri padaMu..."
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Hai! Hai! Hai!
Eh! Eh! Tiba-tiba hujan pulak kat LB...hehehe! Tak jadi la gi swimming petang ni dgn anak-anak. Ada good excuse! Boleh baring-baring, rehat-rehat, makan-makan - bubor durian ada...kek pisang ada...buat nescafe panas! phewwwwwwwwww!!! terbaekkkk!
Anyway, I do enjoy my every moment of my life.... hope you do too.
Take care...
Saturday, April 23, 2011
It's my BIRTHDAY!!!!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Kaitan tarikh 26 dengan Juz 26: Surah Asy-Syu'ara
"Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi, dan silih bergantinya malam dan siang terdapat tanda-tanda bagi orang-orang yang berAKAL" - Al-Imran 190
Bencana Tahun 1500-2000:
26 Jan 1531 gempa bumi di Lisbon, Portugal, 30.000 orang tewas
26 Jan 1700 gempa di Laut Pasifik, dari Vancouver Island, Southwest Canada off British Columbia hingga Northern California, Pacific Northwest,USA. Dikenal sebagai megathrust earthquake.
26 Jul 1805 gempa bumi di Naples, Calabria, Italy, 26.000 orang tewas
26 Aug 1883 Gunung Krakatau meletus, 36.000 orang diperkirakan tewas
26 Dec 1861 gempa bumi di Egion, Yunani
26 Mar 1872 gempa bumi di Owens Valley, USA
26 Aug 1896 gempa bumi di Skeid, Land, Islandia
26 Nov 1902 gempa bumi di Bohemia, sekarang Czech Republic
26 Nov 1930 gempa bumi di Izu
26 Sep 1932 gempa bumi di Ierissos, Yunani
26 Dec 1932 gempa bumi di Kansu, Cina, 70.000 orang tewas
26 Okt 1935 gempa bumi di Colombia
26 Dec 1939 gempa bumi di Erzincan, Turki, 41.000 orang tewas
26 Nov 1943 gempa di Tosya Ladik, Turki
26 Dec 1949 gempa bumi di Imaichi, Jepun
26 Mei 1957 gempa di Bolu Abant, Turki
26 Mar 1963, gempa bumi di Wakasa Bay, Jepang
26 Jul 1963 gempa bumi di Skopje, Yugoslavia, 1.000 orang tewas
26 Mei 1964 gempa bumi di S. Sandwich Island
26 Jul 1967 gempa bumi di Pulumur, Turki
26 Sep 1970 gempa bumi di Bahia Solano, Colombia
26 Jul 1971 gempa bumi di Solomon Island
26 Apr 1972 gempa bumi di Ezine, Turki
26 Mei 1975 gempa bumi di N. Atlantic
26 Mar 1977 gempa bumi di Palu, Turki
26 Dec 1979 gempa bumi di Carlisle, Inggris
26 Apr 1981 gempa bumi di Westmorland, USA
26 Mei 1983 gempa bumi di Nihonkai, Chubu, Jepang
26 Jan 1985 gempa bumi di Mendoza, Argentina
26 Jan 1986 gempa bumi di Tres Pinos, USA
26 Apr 1992 gempa bumi di Cape Mendocino, California, USA
26 Okt 1997 gempa bumi di Italia
Tahun 2000 - kini
Tsunami di Aceh tanggal 26 Desember'04, Gempa Jogja 26 Mei 2006, Tasik gempa 26 Jun 2010, Tsunami Mentawai 26 Oktober 2010, Merapi Meletus 26 Oktober 2010.
Ada apa dengan 26.? Trnyata..dlm alquran, jus 26 surat asy-syu'ara yg didalamnya pngertian tntg azab Allah... Subhanallah. Sila klik link dibawah utk terjemahan Al-Quran surah Asy-Syuaraa'
Monday, February 14, 2011
Kemalangan kecil.....
Jumaat, 11/2/2011
Anak-anak abg, Emin - Hadi & Hafiz ditimpa kecelakaan jlnraya ketika menaiki motor membonceng. Kemalangan berlaku di Jln Changkat Asa, dlm perjalanan pulang dari membeli top-up menuju ke Masjid Ar-Rahman Ulu Bernam utk menunaikan solat Jumaat. Bermula dgn pemandu yg masuk simpang tak bagi signal & kenderaan lain yg HIT & RUN!! Mereka dibawa ke klinik kesihatan Tg Malim, oleh kenderaan Avanza & kemudian menaiki ambulan ke Hospital Slim River utk rawatan lanjut.
Hadi, mengalami luka2 ringan & bengkak dibeberapa anggota badan. Manakala Hafiz, mengalami kecederaan lebih kerana beberapa kali melambung & jatuh di atas kereta & terhempas atas jlnraya... Menyebabkan bengkak dikepala, mata & pipi sebelah kiri, luka2 & lebam2 di kebanyakan anggota badan... Hafiz ditahan di wad pemerhatian selama 4 jam kerana tidak mampu mengingati kejadian tetapi Alhamdulillah, masih kenal dgn ahli keluarga & teman-teman yg datang.
Keputusan x-ray samada Hadi, mahupun Hafiz tidak menunjukkan ada tulang yg patah tetapi paru2 Hafiz bengkak sedikit akibat dari hempasan kuat diatas jlnraya menyebabkan kesesakan nafas. Kedua-duanya dirawat sbg pesakit luar. Kini, berada dirumah tetapi dlm perawatan & jagaan rapi umi mereka, Badriza & tok, Hjh Kholijah & terus dikunjungi oleh ahli keluarga & teman-teman.
Diatas apa yg berlaku, syukur alhamdulillah.. kerana tidak ada kecederaan yg serius. Banyak dugaan yg kita lalui kebelakangan ini, lepas Erman, Dalis, kakak masuk hospital kemudian Hafiz & Hadi pula. Mudah-mudahan disebalik semua dugaan ini, kita menjadi lebih kuat. Lebih sabar. Lebih ingat padaNya. Lebih mengerti betapa pentingnya keluarga disisi. Mudah-mudahan kita tetap akan bersama dlm suka, dlm duka, dlm susah & payah.... InsyaAllah
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Hepi Birthday Tisya!!!!!!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Pagi bersama Hafiz AF7 @5 Februari 2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
Lavendar Ward, Room 708 - KPJ Tawakkal Kuala Lumpur
29 Januari, 2011
Dalis masuk ward, diagnosed to have 'twisted ovarian cyst' dibawah jagaan Dr Zarin Zain & rujuk kepada pakar sakit puan, Dr Siti Zaleha. Ujian darah, kencing telahpun dilakukan tetapi masih menanti test results. Ultra sound & CT scan juga telah dijalankan. Hasil imbasan menunjukkan nothing is peculiar as the size of the cyst is about 3cm x 3.5cm x 3.24cm. Menurut Dr Siti, with that kind of size she should not feel any pain, in fact she should not even aware that the cyst is developed in her abdomen. Tapi bila Dalis rasa sakit, they suspect it will be due to other reason which yet to be found out. Kene tunggu results. What make me feel reliefed, when the doctor said 'nothing look peculiar'. Alhamdulillah...
Meanwhile, Firman, Zuri, Tisya & Sufi tinggal TMalim with the arrangement yg mak akan balik TM to accompany them but things did not happened as plan.At the other end, Kakak pula masuk ward di Hospital Universiti, diagnosed to have lung infection which caused phenomia. Therefore, she has breathing difficulties. So, anak2 tinggal dgn Lila. While Lila is at work, they will need to take care of themselves. It breaks my heart bila ingat anak-anak yg kecik2 ni but it is a relief knowing that anak2 aku adalah survivors. InsyaAllah, aku percaya pd perlindungan Allah, dan mudah-mudahan malaikat-malaikat Allah sentiasa bersama anak-anakku....
30 Januari 2011,
Second day @ Tawakal. My childhood friend, Chew Siew Wai came to fetch me for capati at mamak restaurant. So I took Dalis along sebab Dr Siti kata she is free to go out as no more doctor visits. Selesai pekene capati, my friend took me to Rumah Bakti Ulu Klang to fetch my eldest Taufiq from his friend's place. He somehow make it easier for me... I have two kids with me now!
In the afternoon, few members of the family arrived. Mak, Nyah, Kjun, Erman, Ein, Dadar, Abby, Amad, Qilah & Nazrul. Maka, riuh-rendahlah suasana di bilik 708. Lepas Kjun & Erman balik, at night Dayah pula balik with Ice. Omak, Nyah & family still around. Si pesakit keluar lagi makan kat McDonald dgn Dadar, Abby & Taufiq.
At night, Naufal, Aker & Nini pulak sampai. Havoc tak sudah lagi. They stayed until almost 1.00am!! Anyway, aku rasa this is the kind of things that some people would be very uncomfortable but as for me... no problem at all!
Tido time... I see all my three babies are around me - Taufiq, Dayah & Dalis. And I am missing 4 others... Hopefully, if operation is unnecessary, aku boleh balik TM & fetch them all.... Good night anak-anak.... I love you all so much that no word can ever describe the feelings...
31 January 2011
Finally, Dalis is diagnosed to have problems in her intestine that is more like constipation that she did not realize. This had caused intestine cramp. So, it's not really the cyst. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Therefore, operation is unnecessary. Doctor Al-Amin, is the surgeon that is taken care of Dalis. He prescribed Dalis with a medicine that will flush away the patches of stool along the intestine & will do the clean up . Unexpected but thanks to Allah as the doctor managed to find out the real problem.
1 February 2011
Cuti Hari Wilayah. Ana & Nor sampai sebelah pagi. Then, hantar Hidayah ke stesen LRT Titiwangsa. Kemudian balik semula ke wad, Dr Zarin buat lawatan & beritahu yg Dalis will need to undergo MRI. Pada aku buat je la apa2 yang patut agar segala kemungkinan dapat dipertimbangkan demi mengenalpasti punca kesakitan Dalis. Do whatever necessary tests, biar puas hati. Lepas tahu pasal ni, aku terus gi sarapan pagi di Restoran Haslam dgn Ana, Nor, Taufiq & Dalis. Seorang kawan, Azhar Sani datang melawat, siap bawa muffin lagi. Tapi oleh kerana kami tidak ada di Ward, nurse cadangkan dia ke Haslam. Hehehe! Funny...
Jam 3 petang, I made my way to TMalim to fetch the little ones. Then, straight back to Tawakkal. Ramai dah ada - Kayom, Hayyu, Eim, Harun & Ajim. Thanks all for coming.
At night, gi makan dgn anak-anak bersama Ajim & Harun. Ajim belanja!! Adoiii!!
Tidor time - I see 6 of my kids are all around me except Hidayah. Here we are...enjoying our time together in good or pain. Good night kids!
2 February 2011
Dr Zarin visited Dalis & informed that MRI is at 2.00pm. So, let get ready as time now is 1.50pm. Ya Allah, lancarkanlah segala urusan pemeriksaan. Semoga, tidak ada apa-apa yg serius & merbahaya It took 2 hours to run the test.... Visits from old frens Maizura & Suria. Thanks for coming!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Allah's Pharmacy
“Allah is All-Knowing All-Wise"…Quran
A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye...and YES science now shows that carrots greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes.
A Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart is red and has four chambers. All of the research shows tomatoes are indeed pure heart and blood food.
Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows that grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food .
A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds are on the nut just like the neo-cortex. We now know that walnuts help develop over 3 dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function.
Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function and yes, they look exactly like the human kidneys .
Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and more look just like bones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods are 23% sodium. If you don't have enough sodium in your diet the body pulls it from the bones, making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.
Eggplant, Avocadoes and Pears target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female - they look just like these organs. Today's research shows that when a woman eats 1 avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this? .... It takes exactly 9 months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science has only studied and named about 141 of them).
Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the motility of male sperm and increase the numbers of Sperm cells to overcome male sterility.
Grapefruits, Oranges, and other Citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts .
Onions look like body cells. Today's research shows that onions help clear waste materials from all of the body cells They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes.
Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics.
Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries
Then which of the favours of your Allah will ye deny? - [Quran 55:13]
Milk :
The Prophet(SAW) said that milk wipes away heat from the heart
just as the finger wipes away sweat from the brow. It strengthens the back,
increases the brain, augments intelligence,renews vision and drives away
Honey :
Considered to be the best remedy for diarrhea when mixed in hot
water. It is the food of foods, drink of drinks and drug of drugs. It is used
for creating appetite,strengthening the stomach, eliminating phlegm,
as a meat preservative,hair conditioner, eye salve and mouthwash. It is
extremely beneficial in the morning in warm water and is also a sunnah.
Olive oil :
excellenent treatment for skin and hair, delays old age, treats inflammation
of the stomach
Mushroom :
The Prophet(SAW) said that mushroom is a good cure for the eyes, it also
serves as a form of birthcontrol and arrests paralysis.
Grapes :
The Prophet was very fond of grapes, it purifies the blood, provides vigour
and health, strengthens the kidneys and clears the bowels.
Dates :
The Prophet(SAW) said that a house without dates has no food, also to be
eaten at the time of childbirth.
Figs :
It is a fruit from paradise and a cure for piles.
Barley :
Good for fever in a soup form
Melon :
Melon contains 1000 blessings and 1000 mercies, The prophet SAW said "None
of your women who are pregnant and eat of water melon will fail to produce
off spring who are good in countenance and good in character.
Pomegranate :
The Prophet(SAW) said it cleanse you of Satan and evil aspirations for 40
Water :
The Prophet(SAW) said the best drink in this world and the next is Water, when you are thirsty drink it by sips and not gulps, gulping produces sickness of the liver.
So praise be to our beloved Nabi(SAW) who produced us with marvelous knowledge which dazzles the wisest minds. May this information be beneficial to all of us Insha-Allah
*cepat bertindak membuat keputusan tp cepat menyesal - tak dinafikan kdg2 emosi mendahului akal, tp lepas tu selalunya menyesal. Andai dapat ku undurkan waktu...hahaha!
*berkawan & pandai menyelesaikan masalah org lain - tidak juga sbb sekadar memberi pendapat, selainnya terpulang pd mereka sendiri utk mempertimbangkan
*sgt berani & tiada perasaan takut - tak sangat, perasaan takut tu ada cuma 'jgn biarkan diri anda diselubungi misteri'!
*sopan santun??? - ye ker??? Hehehe!
*emosi cepat terusik & cuba kawal perasaan - this is totally wrong!
*kelam kabut membuat keputusan - certainly wrong. it takes me almost a decade to make a decision
* pendendam? Not me!
*cemburu?? didn't decribe me at all!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
There are times....
There are times in your life you feel something is missing...despite of all happiness you feel everyday..around you.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Kenangan Mengusik Jiwa!
Kecuali Pak Usu, mereka yang lain telah pergi...kembali pada Maha Pencipta. Ada kenangan antara kita.. yang akan sentiasa tersemat di kalbu...tertulis dalam ingatan.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Tribute to Mak Uteh!
Khusus buat Mak Uteh @ Hanim,
Al-Fatihah buat Pak Utih yg telah pergi meninggalkan kita.
Seingat aku, kali terakhir ambik gambar dgn Mak/Pak Uteh sebelum aku berangkat ke UK. Kali ni, pertemuan di majlis perkahwinan anak K. Yusma di Dewan Tun Razak, Tg Malim dapat abadikan sekeping lagi gambar kenangan dgn Mak Uteh setelah sekian lama menanti kesempatan.
Tinggal di STF, adakalanya memang membosankan... terutama bila hujung minggu. Selain dari kawan-kawan, aku hanya ada Pak/Mak Uteh jer kat JB masa tu. Yang selalu melayan kerenah aku. Tapi aku bersyukur sebab tiap hujung minggu Pak Uteh akan datang ke asrama ambik aku bawa balik ke Larkin...naik kete Volkswagon "Beetle'' Pak Uteh!!! Jadi taklah bosan sangat. Selalunya hujung minggu samada ke Singapore, atau balik Larkin atau outing dgn kawan-kawan ke Komtar, City Square atau Kimisawa.. Tiap kali balik Larkin, pasti Mak Uteh masak macam-macam untuk aku. Semuanya sedap-sedap. Makanan orang Rawa!! SODOP!!!
Banyak kenangan bersama Pak/Mak Uteh...macam-macam perkara yg kita bualkan... Ada jer cerita lucu Pak Uteh yang aku ingat sampai hari ni. Sesekali, aku rasa rindu Pak Uteh... dalam cerita lucu, banyak nasihat & pendidikan moral yang Pak Uteh sampaikan. Aku rindu semua tu...
Dulu...bila bulan Ramadhan, aku selalu dgr suara serak Pak Uteh mengaji selepas solat Asar, sementara menunggu tibanya waktu berbuka puasa.... Kini Pak uteh tak ada lagi. Mudah-mudahan roh Pak Uteh ditempatkan dikalangan para solihin.
Walaupun Mak Utih semakin dimamah usia, tapi Mak Uteh tetap terus tersenyum menguntum. Macam gadis pemalu gitu! Hahahaha!!! Mdah-mudahan Mak Uteh sihat. Ceria selalu dikelilingi anak-anak, cucu-cucu & cicit.
Mak Uteh, walaupun waktu & keadaan menjarakkan kita - Kyah, Mak Uteh & Pak Uteh..namun kasih-sayang, perhatian, keprihatinan Mak/Pak Uteh pada Kyah akan Kyah kenang sampai bila-bila... Terimakasih untuk semuanya. Alhamdulillah, suatu ketika dulu Allah temukan kita dalam hidup ini utk berkongsi kegembiraan & mengisi kesunyian masing-masing....
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Anak-anak kembali ke sekolah! Sessi 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru kepada anak-anak & seluruh keluarga besar, anak-anak dan cucu cicit Allahyarham Harun b Yahaya @ Harun Merdeka. Juga buat semua yg mengenali keluarga kami secara dekat mahupun melalui blog ini.